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How to earn passive income with Neobux

Dear.Mr / Mrs / Sincerely,

I just thank to God that the 3rd payout was  $ 42.44. See evidence payout below .Let me introduce the program. NEOBUX  has given me income $ 3 ~ $ 5 (U.S. dollars) per day continuously. I frankly to make money using a system of investing that much because I was impatient person. But without invest, if you're patient you'll success .I guarantee!

By investing, the first thing I did was hire referrals. Referrals to our analogy as an our "employee" . This is because each of our employees (ie click to see ad) we will get part of it. I currently have a total of 345 referrals (rented referral ). Every referral will give me $ 0005 / ads he clicks (when I was a Standard member ) because I now already  GOLDEN member, then each referral give me  $ 0.01 revenue per click . Great right?

All referrals that I get in a period of 1 month. This is due to rent referrals it cost distance is 1 week, meaning that when we lease new referrals will be leased again after waiting for 1 week. While still STANDARD renting referrals is very easy, provided you have the money to hire him, but when GOLDEN somewhat difficult. This is because when GOLDEN each referral click gives a large contribution of $ 0.01 the same as our own click.

Because of rapid progress, so I decided to immediately upgrade my membership from the Standard to be GOLDEN. Thus I got the $ 0.01 from my referrals. But for the lease or change the membership becomes necessary GOLDEN cost / investment is not small. But it passed away to you, if you want to invest so quick to cash a lot, or do not want to invest. In the 3 months just for an upgrade fee ($ 90) can already be in the cover of this revenue.

Although without any real investment-you can earn big. The trick is each of the dollar ( $ ) are obtained not directly taken, but was soon used to rent referrals as I mentioned above. Rent from the start at least (eg 3 referrals). Having to money again, turn again to lease more. For more details, download "Playing Strategy Neobux" at the bottom of this page.

Now would you just sit back watching it? While your friends with the others only work click ads for about 20 minutes per day receive a decent income?I know the biggest obstacle you are correct .... whether this program? Do not cheat? and all other fears. Once again I say that God willing, this program really pays, and I have felt the evidence.

As a rule only, that in order to work together with PAYPAL then the web must be truly credible, well why NEOBUX can cooperate with PAYPAL? ... Of course, is because PayPal has been believed that NEOBUX is really credible and not a fraud (scam).

Yours respectfullyMr.Happy Neobux Clicker 

NEOBUX Happy Clicker (

 Personal Data:
 Join NeoBux                    : May 19, 2010
 Upgrade to GOLDEN        : June 18, 2010
 Number of rented Referrals: 455 referrals
 Number of Direct Referrals : 15 referrals

The thing I do every single day:

 a. Click the ad (from start to join up to now) no one has perforated-hole - means I click ads continue without interruption. It has been my commitment since want to join NEOBUX.(This is important because if you have referrals, referrals for those making money for you, then your condition will have to click ads. This means that you yourself should also work not just rely on referrals work alone .....)

 b. Maintain Referral
     - Recycle Referrals lazy clicks (cost $ 0.07)
     - Renewal Referral wants out of contract.
     - Each week I will add the number of referrals.
     - Auto Pay me setting ON (Enable).

 Here I will explain the tutorial to follow the program NeoBux. This program is included PTC (Paid to Click) current best.The workings of this PTC is simple, that we are required to see the ads (websites), another for about 30 seconds. For one ad that we see we'll get paid $ 0.01.

When you first become a member of NeoBux (like me) you will get 4 ads in 1 day (24 hours). Ads that have been seen (diclick) can only be diclick again after 24h. So in a day you can herd $ 0.01 x4 = $ 0.04/day.

Ha .. ha .. ha maybe you laugh at every day can only be pocketed $ 0.04 to view ads.But believe me that there is "nothing hidden" in this program that allows people to get millions of dollars every DAY! Wow ... how North do it?

To join this program, first click the image below!!!

(Figure $ above is my income. It will grow automatically because it is connected directly to the  Neobux server. TOTAL income is not the payout. Since the we could have to transfer from the Main Balance to Rental Balance , etc.)

Then the following display will be immediately visible.
Click on the "Register" on the right above.

 After that will open a new window and you have to fill your data in full.

Username: fill in the username of your choice. Make sure that you can remember.
Password: fill in the password of your choice
Password Confirmation: enter password again
Email: enter your email address
Alertpay / Paypal Email: enter your paypal email.
                                 If you do not have a paypal account, click HERE.

Birth Year: enter your birth year.

Image Verification: content according to the image on the rightAfter that check (tick) "I declare to have read ....Finally click "Continue"

 After this process you will receive a confirmation email. You must open the email.After that you can log into the system Neobux.

Username: fill in the username of your choice
Password: fill in the password
Sec.Password: just empty

Verification Code: content according to the image on the right.Click "Submit"

After that you can click on "View Advertisements". There will be 4 pieces of advertising that you can click one after another. Remember do not be a direct four-four of them at the click.

Now each ad will appear click on the red dots mark. Signs must be clicked. The red sphere is a system to avoid the robot software that can automatically mengclick.After that will open an ad. Then wait until a sign of progress bar will change color to yellow. If you've completed all the yellow bar that means have been completed within 30 second.After that there will be papers stating you get $ 0.01.

Pictured above states that the ads we have been paid by NeoBux click worth $ 0.01. Furthermore, your total income that day can be seen in the panel on the right top, as pictured below.

Well ... our income will be written in the left-upper (on sample are $ 23,255).Having collected $ 2 or more we can make payout. Remember because payoutn is small, then there is little fee taken by Paypal. I've got $ 2,365 and after payout request (ask for payment to the NeoBux) transferred to Paypal failure by $ 2.32.

 Here's proof of payout from Neobux to my Paypal:
 Proof of Payment to PayPal # 1 (Min Payout $ 2) my payout $ 2.32.

 Proof of Payment to PayPal # 2 (Min Payout $ 3). I get Payout $ 20.28


 Proof of Payment to PayPal # 3 (Min Payout $ 4) I get payout $ 42.44

 Are you want to see detail payment from Neobux ?Just see Payment Proof from Neobux

 [ What's Paypal ? Paypal is a payment processor that will process the payment from NeoBux to us. If the money in Paypal then it's already ours. Paypal can be likened to the Internet bank. Paypal account not using numbers such as banks in general, but using our email address. If you do not have a Paypal account, then first have to sign up to have a Paypal account click HERE. or click on the picture below. For details about PayPal please click HERE]


Well after accumulated sufficiently, we live transfer funds from Paypal into our bank account in your country  ( your local Bank ).After payout, of course, our account will be widened at Neobux $ 0.00. And we start again from scratch.

If we just worked alone, so our income is only $ 0.04 per day only. It takes several days for us to payout ($ 2). Therefore, there are other techniques that better so that we can fast payout.The trick is to hire someone else to click on ads NeoBux. For this you can rent referrals.

Because his name to rent, then you must pay to the NeoBux valued at $ 0.25 per referral per month. Now each of our referrals click on ads, then we are entitled to receive $ 0005 from every click on them. Not bad right? Especially if you want to upgrade so GOLDEN .. then from every click on ads referral we can $ 0.01 (2 x fold) and the number of ads we be 9 buah.
Finally  .. this is a screenshot of my paypal, which I get from internet marketing activities.The following list of receipts from NeoBux (and from other programs):

                                         (Sorry the picture is less focused)

How? Interested right? So join Neobux in HERE.



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